Monday 16 July 2012

Different Kinds of Circuit Designs for the Inverter:

1) Inverter Using IGBT:
Inverter can be made by using the IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor). By using IGBT we can easily convert the DC source to the sinusoidal wave and the power can be increased by using the MOSFET's. The different kind of designs using IGBT are given below.
Figure 3 Simple inverter circuit Using IGBT
The Gate pulse should be in the form of 0,1 and we can use square wave generator for gate pulse generation which can be easily made with the help of 555 timer IC and for increasing power we can connect the combinations of MOSFET's before the output transformer. The output wave form for the above circuit is given below in figure 4
Figure 4 "Output wave form of the Circuit shown in Fig 3"

2) Inverter Using Op-Amp:
Inverter can be made by using the Op-Amp but the output wave form obtained will be modified sine wave. The simple design of inverter using Op-Amp is given in the figure 5. In the design given below we use 555 timer IC to generate the Square wave then use an Op-Amp to convert the square wave into triangular wave than finally it will be converted to sine wave but the output wave is modified sine wave. Frequency can be varied by using the potentiometer.
Figure 5 Inverter using 555 timer IC and Op-Amp's

The output wave form of the circuit in figure 5 is given below in the figure 6

Figure 6 "Output wave form of circuit in Figure 5"

Note: "Procedure of calculating the output wattage and the making of inverter using micro-controllers will be given in the next post."

Sunday 15 July 2012

Introduction to Inverter

My Friends Today I am going to say you something about an Inverter. Inverter is an electronics device which can convert the power of DC batteries to AC and it can help us to feed an AC load by DC batteries. Today I am here to explain you about different kind of inverters or you can says that the different designs of Inverters. Here the different type means that the inverter may produces pure sine wave or it may produce modified sine wave.

Pure Sine Wave:
Pure sine wave is the wave which is obtained directly without passing any process of modification and can be use directly to feed any AC load. The wave form can be seen in the figure 1 given below.
Figure 1
 Modified Sine Wave:
Modified sine wave is the wave which can not be obtained directly without passing any process of modification and can not be use directly to feed any AC load. The wave form can be seen in the figure 2 given below which shows that how a modified sine wave be obtained by modifying the square wave of the Inverter.

Figure 2

 Difference Between Pure And Modified Sine Wave Inverter
The basic difference between the above two inverter is that the pure Sine wave inverters are more efficient then the Modified sine wave but the modified sine wave inverters are cheapest in the cost and they occupy small space in comparison to the pure sine wave inverter. 

"Reference for difference :"

Note: "Designs and Procedures of the Inverter will be given in the next update."